m0leCon teaser 2020 - Andry
I didn’t end up attempting this challenge during the competition, but afterwards decided to give it a look. It turns out to be a pretty fun android reversing challenge that revenge is helpful in solving.
The solution involved reversing the given apk, identifying the first input checks, brute-forcing the correct input, identifying the first decryption routine, manually decrypting to find a second stage dex file, and finally reversing that stage to identify how the final flag needed to be decrypted.
The given file is an APK (android application file). To start with, spin up an emulator and connect to it via revenge:
from revenge import Process, common, types, devices
# This will find your local android device and configure things
android = devices.AndroidDevice(type='usb')
# Install the apk
# Launch it
andry = android.spawn('*andry*', gated=False, load_symbols=['*andry*'])
When we try entering “password” as the password, the app crashes. Clearly something is amiss.
Main App Code
Time to dig into the code a little. The basics for looking at the code involve:
- unzip andry.apk
- Run d2j on any classes*.dex files you find
- Run jdgui on the corresponding output jar files
Looking at the MainActivity, we can find the handler for our password validation:
protected void onCreate(Bundle paramBundle)
((Button)findViewById(2131165250)).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener()
public void onClick(View paramAnonymousView)
if (MainActivity.this.check_password().booleanValue())
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this.getApplicationContext(), "Yes!", 0).show();
paramAnonymousView = ((EditText)MainActivity.this.findViewById(2131165268)).getText().toString();
DynamicLoaderService.startActionLoad(MainActivity.this.getApplicationContext(), paramAnonymousView);
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this.getApplicationContext(), "No...", 0).show();
So we should be expecting to see “Yes!” or “No…”. It’s first calling
, so we should check there next.
private Boolean check_password()
Object localObject1 = ((EditText)findViewById(2131165268)).getText().toString();
Object localObject2 = Integer.valueOf(0);
ListIterator localListIterator = splitBySize((String)localObject1, 2).listIterator();
while (localListIterator.hasNext())
int i = localListIterator.nextIndex();
int j = Integer.parseInt((String)localListIterator.next(), 16);
switch (Integer.valueOf(i).intValue() + 1)
localObject1 = localObject2;
case 32:
localObject1 = localObject2;
if (c32(j) == 261) {
localObject1 = Integer.valueOf(((Integer)localObject2).intValue() + 1);
case 31:
localObject1 = localObject2;
if (c31(j) == 2676) {
localObject1 = Integer.valueOf(((Integer)localObject2).intValue() + 1);
case 30:
localObject1 = localObject2;
if (c30(j) == 11315) {
localObject1 = Integer.valueOf(((Integer)localObject2).intValue() + 1);
case 29:
localObject1 = localObject2;
if (c29(j) == 207) {
localObject1 = Integer.valueOf(((Integer)localObject2).intValue() + 1);
case 28:
localObject1 = localObject2;
if (c28(j) == 1056) {
localObject1 = Integer.valueOf(((Integer)localObject2).intValue() + 1);
case 2:
localObject1 = localObject2;
if (c2(j) == 2259) {
localObject1 = Integer.valueOf(((Integer)localObject2).intValue() + 1);
case 1:
localObject1 = localObject2;
if (c1(j) == 6326) {
localObject1 = Integer.valueOf(((Integer)localObject2).intValue() + 1);
localObject2 = localObject1;
if (((Integer)localObject2).intValue() == 32) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
return Boolean.FALSE;
So we can see that it’s breaking up our input into two character chunks, converting them to an integer, then calling a function with the input and checking if the output is the expected. If the total number of items that match is 32, then we’re good.
Those c1
etc params are actually called from the shared library that
comes with this application. You can see it here:
public native int c1(int paramInt);
public native int c10(int paramInt);
public native int c11(int paramInt);
public native int c12(int paramInt);
public native int c13(int paramInt);
Luckily for us, we don’t actually have to reverse those. Instead, so long as they are deterministic in what they return, we can simply call them over and over until we find the correct output.
Brute Force Stage 1
To test the ability to call those functions with revenge, you can simply do:
main = andry.java.classes['com.andry.MainActivity']
# Need to have an actual instance to call
main = andry.java.find_active_instance(main)
# 646
What we just did there was to actually call the function directly with our input. With this in mind, we can now brute force stage 1 to find the expected input.
# These were extracted from the java decompiled view
goals = [6326, 2259, 455, 1848, 275400, 745, 1714, 1076, 12645, 2120, 153664, 10371, 37453, 203640, 691092, 36288, 753, 2011, 59949, 18082, 538, 12420, 2529, 1130, 6076, 11702, 47217, 1056, 207, 11315, 2676, 261]
# Generically find the desired output for the given function
def find_solution(attr, eq):
for i in range(256):
if getattr(main, attr)(i)() == eq:
return i
flag = ""
for i in range(1,33):
flag += "{:02x}".format(find_solution("c"+str(i), goals[i-1]))
assert flag == "48bb6e862e54f2a795ffc4e541caed4d0bf985de4d3d7c5df73cf960638b4bf2"
While we know that should be correct, when we input it, the program still crashes… Need to take a look at the next section.
Code Analysis 2
According to the decompilation, if we pass step one we should hit the call
. To verify this, let’s quickly hook that
method so that revenge tells us if we hit it or not.
# Grab the loader service class
dls = andry.java.classes['com.andry.DynamicLoaderService']
# This will send us a message "hit" if this method is called
dls.startActionLoad.implementation = "function (x) { send('hit'); return this.startActionLoad(x); }"
# Paste in the first part again and you see:
# on_message: [{'type': 'send', 'payload': 'hit'}, None]
# Revert your override with
dls.startActionLoad.implementation = None
So we can confirm this is getting hit. Here’s some code for the function:
public static void startActionLoad(Context paramContext, String paramString)
Intent localIntent = new Intent(paramContext, DynamicLoaderService.class);
localIntent.putExtra("com.andry.extra.password", paramString);
protected void onHandleIntent(Intent paramIntent)
if ((paramIntent != null) && ("com.andry.action.LOAD".equals(paramIntent.getAction()))) {
Following it down to handleActionFoo
private String DynamicDecode(byte[] paramArrayOfByte, String paramString1, String paramString2)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! PURE GUESSING!");
private void XORDecrypt(byte[] paramArrayOfByte, String paramString)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! PURE GUESSING!");
private void handleActionFoo(String paramString)
Object localObject = getApplicationContext().getAssets();
localObject = IOUtils.toByteArray(((AssetManager)localObject).open("enc_payload"));
XORDecrypt((byte[])localObject, paramString);
paramString = DynamicDecode((byte[])localObject, "decrypt", "EASYPEASY");
localObject = new StringBuilder();
Log.i("FLAG: ", ((StringBuilder)localObject).toString());
catch (IOException paramString)
So our program is crashing because there are two methods that are not implemented yet and are throwing exceptions.
Decrypting Payload 1
The application is grabbing some encrypted payload from a local resource. We could use something like AndroidStudio to pull the encrypted blob out directly. However, let’s use revenge to pull it out dynamically instead.
To do this, all we need to do is implement the XORDecrypt
method that gets
called with the array.
dls = andry.java.classes['com.andry.DynamicLoaderService']
# Simply echo back to us what that method was called with
dls.XORDecrypt.implementation = "function (x, y) { send([x,y]); }"
The blob is the first argument and the key (which we gave it) is the second. Since this is apparently a basic xor chipher, we can just decrypt it directly.
from binascii import unhexlify
import numpy as np
key = unhexlify(x[1])
# Blob was returned as signed chars, need to standardize it to unsigned
blob = [np.uint8(np.int8(y)) for y in x[0]]
blob2 = []
for i, val in enumerate(blob):
blob2.append(val ^ key[i%len(key)])
# We're being careful here with int to byte conversion since chr() can
# sometimes return unexpected results.
blob2 = b"".join(int.to_bytes(int(x), length=1, byteorder='little') for x in blob2)
# b'dex\n035\x00\xa3\x90\xd5VN\xa4\xb1^\'\xe...`
Our blob2 appears to be a dex file. The call after XORing this blob is to call
inside it. Time to open the new dex file up, same as the first ones.
Code Analysis 3
Opening up the new dex file in jdgui, we can find the decrypt
being referenced:
public class Inner
public static String decrypt(String paramString)
int j = 0;
String str1 = "";
int i = 0;
while (i < str2.length())
int k = str2.charAt(i);
str1 = str1 + (char)((k - paramString.charAt(j) + 26) % 26 + 65);
j = (j + 1) % paramString.length();
i += 1;
return str1;
public static String encrypt(String paramString1, String paramString2)
int j = 0;
String str = paramString1.toUpperCase();
paramString1 = "";
int i = 0;
while (i < str.length())
int k = str.charAt(i);
paramString1 = paramString1 + (char)((k - 65 + (paramString2.charAt(j) - 'A')) % 26 + 65);
j = (j + 1) % paramString2.length();
i += 1;
return paramString1;
public void keep() {}
Decrypting Payload 2
Now it’s simply a matter of re-writing the java decryption method in python:
out = ""
for i, val in enumerate(str2):
out += chr((ord(val) - ord("EASYPEASY"[i%9]) + 26)%26 + 65)
Let me know what you think of this article on twitter @bannsec!